Trainings and Courses
I have found that evolving a strong theoretical background is one of the most effective ways to continue to provide the best therapy and supervision I possibly can and to reduce my own burnout. I continuously dedicate time and resources to my own learning and have come to understand that my most effective retention experiences have been presentations followed by deep conversations about the topics learned, and practice. I structure the trainings I give in this way. With years of experience teaching in grad school classes and training clinical and non-clinical staff in organizations, I still find great joy and learn something new with every new training encounter.
Below you can check out a sample of the main trainings that I offer. I am happy to tailor trainings according to your organization’s requirements, so if you don’t see exactly what you need below let’s talk.
Trainings and Courses
Introduction to AEDP
Learn the basic tenets of AEDP. Training focuses on basic theory and practical skills, emphasizing AEDP’s emotion and attachment-based change and healing mechanisms. Training include an experiential component and videos of sessions.
Introduction to DBT
Learn the basic tenets of DBT. Training focuses on DBT’s revolutionary understanding of the origins of self-harm and suicidality and the components that were developed to address these issues. Training offers DBT’s framework for working with BPD and high crises clients effectively and provides both theoretical background and practical tools for clinicians.
Treating Trauma Through a Relational Lens
Learn what principles are at work when providing effective trauma therapy and how these principles are applied in relational therapy with trauma survivors.
Introduction to DBT Prolonged Exposure (DPT-PE)
Learn the basic tenets of DBT-PE for treating trauma. Training focuses on DBT’s adaptation of PE. Participants will learn basic tenets of exposure therapy and how they have been adapted to working with high crises clients.
Dissociation and Grounding
Learn about the spectrum of dissociation experiences. This training offers insight on the origins of dissociation, the different ways in which it manifests and how to recognize dissociation when it is happening in the office. The training also offers practical tools to respond in the moment and help clients learn how to gain more control over dissociative experiences through grounding and other techniques.
Working with Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Learn the basics of how to respond to and treat trauma caused by childhood sexual abuse. This training focuses on identifying the unique lasting relational effects of CSA and common themes for survivors, and on how to approach and treat survivors with confidence and compassion individually and in a group setting.
PTSD and the Crisis Response
Learn the tenets of effective crisis response when someone discloses a recent traumatic event. This training focuses on definitions of trauma and acute stress, on the brain during a traumatic situation and on principles of responding to someone who recently experienced a traumatic event.
Understanding, Discussing, Assessing and Treating Suicidality
Gain confidence and let go of fear in discussing, assessing and treating suicidality. This training provides a theoretical framework and concrete tools to discuss, assess and respond to suicidality.
Vicarious Trauma, Burnout Prevention and Self Care
Learn about the actual and real risks to providers who work with survivors of trauma on a regular basis and how to mitigate these risks. This training goes beyond simple practices of self-care.
External Clinical Supervision for Organizations
If you are looking to enhance your clinical teams’ skills in the area of trauma, complex trauma, AEDP or DBT, I offer ongoing clinical supervision to organizations and would be happy to discuss your team’s needs and whether I am the right person to answer them.
DBT Program Building and Consultation
Having formed and led adherent DBT teams in different agencies I offer programmatic consultation along with clinical consultation.
Consultation to programs - DBT programs come in different shapes and forms and every clinic/agency has to figure out what works for their model of work and population. In the process of building your program, some things that we would think of are enhancing staff’s knowledge and application of the model, forming a strong DBT team, programmatically structuring the different phases of the treatment, adhering to DBT principals and other dilemmas specific to your program.
I offer consultation to programs that are in different stages of building their teams. Whether you are just starting to dream of a DBT component in your program or you are already providing DBT therapy, I can help take your work to the next level.
Individual consultation - Learning DBT requires a significant investment of time and resources and ideally taking a B-tech official training. These trainings are a great place to start, and often leave those who took them with many questions about implementation. If you are thinking of incoporating DBT into your practice I am happy to help you think of ways to do it effectively and can offer on-going consultation in the process, as needed.